valentine’s day

Valentines Day, the holiday I feel as if everyone loves to hate. I myself have had a love hate relationship with the day but have decided that this year I am embracing it. Love is something we could all use a little more of. I’m not talking about mushy romantic love, boxes of chocolates, flowers and over the top gifts (no hate, I love these things and chocolate is one of my major food groups). The love I’m talking about is the love for those around us, love in every day gestures, love for friends and family. I think we could all do with a little more love.

The history of the holiday is quite fascinating and I have read about it over the years, while its true origins are varied here are some of my favorites I remember. One story says it comes from the pagan holiday of Lupercalia celebrating fertility and the coming of spring celebrating the Roman god Faunus. The holiday was about coupling up and reproducing, celebrate the coming of spring and warmer weather.

Due to the Christianization of this holiday Lupercalia took on a more reserved celebration. The new holiday of Valentine’s Day centered on the story of St. Valentine marring men in secret after the Roman emperor decided single men made better soldiers. Valentine’s belief in love transitioned into a holiday more like what we celebrate today.

There are tales of Cupid (Eros) playing with the emotions of gods and men to create love and resolve disputes. Now a days he looks a little different as a chubby cherub flying around a bit more maliciously. Wishing we had a little cupid flying around helping to end conflicts these days. 

I recently saw something on Instagram where someone stated “instead of Valentines Day, can we just celebrate a second Thanksgiving.” I’m sold. I absolutely love the idea of treating Valentines Day like Thanksgiving, eating yummy food, being thankful for our many blessings, doing kind acts for others. Its easy to spread the love and here are some of the ways I plan to:

  1. I love Starbucks, it’s so easy to offer to pay for the person behind you in the drive thru line. I have had other people do this for me and its just a nice way to pay it forward!

  2. I am made Valentines for my friends, they may not make it to them all by Friday (they are in the mail). But hey, it’s the thought that counts!

  3. I want to have a Valentines dinner, with all of the best Thanksgiving foods! Being grateful and loving for those around me the same way I would be at a Thanksgiving meal!

There are so many more ways to spread love these are just my plans! Here’s to making Valentine’s Day more than greeting card holiday. So if you are a Valentine’s Day lover or hater I hope you enjoyed my thoughts and will join me in spreading the love this Friday! I would love to hear what you plan to do this holiday in the comment section below! Happy Valentine’s to you all! 


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